Trade Name
What is a DBA (Doing Business As)
DBA (Doing Business As)
means "doing business as" and is a
registration of a business name. A DBA (Doing Business As)
is also known as
Fictitious Names, Trade Name s, Assumed Names, and
Trade Name s. In essence, a DBA (Doing Business As)
is the name of a business other
than the owner's personal or legal name.
If a
corporation owner, a name that is different from the legal
corporate name. If your business is any name other than your own
name or your company's legal name, you must register the
fictitious name with the appropriate government agency.
File your Trade Name , Business Name Statement,
Certificate of Business Business Name, DBA (Doing Business As)
Name, Firm Name
Filing, Notarization, Publication, and Filing of proof of
Here is an example of a DBA (Doing Business As)
If your name were Tim Jacksonson, and the name of your business was "Tom’s Photo Business,"
you would need to register your business as " Tom Jackson, doing business as was
‘Tom’s Painting Shop,’†If you owned a corporation named "XYZ, Inc.," and you used
the business name "Photogragy Excellence," you would need to register your business name
as "XYZ, Inc, doing business as 'Liquors & Wines.'"
Here is another: Obama retires and wants to open a Hot Dog Stand and operate it as
a sole proprietor. He calls the shop "Bidden's Dog,". That name must be registered with a
Trade Name .
File your Trade Name ,  Business Name Statement, Certificate of Business Business Name, DBA (Doing Business As)
Name, Firm Name  Filing, Notarization, Publication, and Filing of proof of Publication in the state of
Trade Name Filing
File Your Trade Name : Also Notarize, Publish, and File proof of Publication
What is a DBA (Doing Business As)
DBA (Doing Business As)
means "doing business as" and is a registration of a business name. A DBA (Doing Business As)
is also known as Fictitious Names, Trade Name s, Assumed Names, and Trade Name s. In essence, a DBA (Doing Business As)
is the name of a business other than the owner's personal or legal name or, in the case of a corporation owner, a name that is different from the legal corporate name. If your business is any name other than your own name or your company's legal name, you must register the fictitious name with the appropriate government agency.
File your Trade Name , Business Name Statement, Certificate of Business Business Name, DBA (Doing Business As)
Name, Firm Name Filing, Notarization, Publication, and Filing of proof of Publication.
Right from the start, we complete the Trade Name forms, notarize the Business name certificates, file the Trade Name doing business as certificate, legally publish the Trade Name and file proof of publication.
We do the following:ÂÂ
(1) We can prepare the Trade Name legal document.
(2) We will send our agent to you to notarize your Trade Name (if required).ÂÂ
(3) Then, we will file, record, and register your Business, trade, or business name, Trade Name certificate with the appropriate government agency.
(4) If required, we will perform a local or state level business name search to see if your Trade Name DBA (Doing Business As)
Name is available (in most cases we do the business name search anyway).
(5) We will publish your Trade Name DBA (Doing Business As)
Name for 4 weeks in a legal newspaper,  and
(6) We will mail you the certified copies of the Trade Name so you can open a bank account. In some cases, we may fax your or scan and email you the filed, certified copies of your DBA (Doing Business As)
Name Registration Certificate.
(7) Finally, after the Trade Name form is notarized, filed, mailed and legally published, we file an officially, government certified copy of the proof of the Trade Name certificate newspaper publication.
 In most States, regular Trade Name registration filing takes 4-8 business days (e.g., California), but in some states it may take 10 -20 business days because the government processing takes longer.
Where it is permitted by the government, there is same day Trade Name filing for an extra fee - add about $200 to regular price.
Filing Your Trade Name Note that we can notarize, file, and if necessary publish a Trade Name business name in every state:
California, New York, Texas, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, etc., as well as in any of the cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami, Houston, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia and other metropolitan areas.  Note: Though our headquarters are close to the Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura counties (more...) and Metropolitan areas in California, we have representatives and partners in every county and every state in the United States.
What is a Business Name or DBA (Doing Business As)
First, a Company, or DBA (Doing Business As)
Name Certificate, or Trade Name / D.B.A. Doing Business As Statement is the same as a Business Name Statement, an Business Business Name Certificate, and a Firm Name.
The " Business Name" term is sometimes misspelled: fictious, ficticous, ficticious, etc. All of these business, or DBA (Doing Business As)
Names are just business name certificates / statements that must be filed if the business owner (individual, partnership, corporation) is doing business in a name other than its own legal name.
What is the General Trade Name Business Name Law?
Registration or Filing of a Trade Name Trade / Business Business Name.
In general, you are legally required to notarize (some states) register (file) and publish (in some states) a  business name statement, (otherwise called a DBA (Doing Business As)
Name Certificate, Trade Name Doing Business As Statement, an Business Business Name Certificate, or a Firm Name) if the business name is a name that is different from the name of the proprietor, partnership or corporation doing business with that name.ÂÂ
Benefits of Filing your Business Name:
Can use the Courts to bring a lawsuit under the business name. You can enforce any contract that you sign under a registered name. ÂÂ
Can open a bank account in the name of the business - banks require that you show proof of business name registration.
May prevent others from using your business name.ÂÂ
In some states filing creates a rebuttable presumption that you have rights to that name ( but you probably need a trade mark to protect the name.  However, in general, you do acquire some rights to the business name associated with a specific product or service that you provide using the business name in the region that you provide the service or sell your product. More
- Trade Name
- 11,1999-2024August
- DBA, Trade Name , Assumed Business Name
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